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Good afternoon. I'm attaching my work and I'd also like to address the fact that this video totally was the reminder I needed. She is teething and fussing so much. So thank you. I'm honestly blessed and benefiting from this program. Have a great week!

New Beginnings Client

New Beginnings

Promise of Life Network believes that if we're going to encourage men and women to choose life for their children we should be there for them in a very practical way. Pregnancy and the first few years of a child's life come with many needs and expenses along with many fears and uncertainties. Our New Beginnings division addresses the unique needs of a young family by providing parenting education and material assistance for families with children three and under. 

If a brother or sister is without clothes and lacks daily food and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you don’t give them what the body needs, what good is it? James 2:15-16

The families enrolled in New Beginnings are able to do so at no cost to them. They have the opportunity to attend weekly parenting classes as long as they're in need, and in exchange for attending those classes they earn "Mommy Money" or "Dad Cash" to spend in our Parent's Shop on donated items such as diapers, wipes, baby furniture, baby food, formula, and other necessary items. 
Parenting classes are generally videos with accompanying worksheets on topics such as car seat safety, crib safety, bonding with your baby, nutrition, healthy discipline, etc. Each appointment is one-on-one and each family's lesson plan is tailored to fit their unique needs and interests.
Woven through the lessons and the one-on-one conversations is the Gospel and the love of Christ. Each family is offered a Bible (as many as they need) and a children's Bible for their little ones. We also work to have devotional books and other Biblical books on hand for them. We encourage them to attend a local church and to put their faith in Christ. Regardless of their interest in the things of God we serve them with love and gentleness.

How can you help?

We encourage you to share about us wherever you can. Our team consists of both men and women who can assist in the ways that will be most beneficial for each parent in our program. They can learn more and sign up at

Would you like to get involved in helping young families in our community learn about parenting and earn items for their children? Here a some ways you can help!


247 S. Main Street

Slippery Rock, PA 16057

321 N. Jefferson Street

New Castle, PA 16101

3096 Sandy Lake - Grove City Rd.

Sandy Lake, PA 16153

St Luke Lutheran

New Beginnings Express

241 Freeport Rd

Butler, PA 16002

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